Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yet again I fail!

Blogging while Jared is home is so much harder lol. I normally blog after the boys go to bed. With Jared home I spend that time with him. Watching Spartacus or playing xbox. Needless to say the blog has been the last thing on my mind lol.

On to some updates-

During Christmas Jared and I decided that we didnt want to get each other a gift but pick one both of us wanted. In the end we decided on the Kinect and the Dance Central game!! This is our first purchase that we could decide to get and not feel guilty about or strap us financially. Our reward for being good savers!

We were lucky enough to recieve Heros at Home gift Cards from Sears this year. It is a donation funded program that gives military members a special thank you for their service. It is open to any rank and branch. The disbursement comes in 3 cards, amount depending on donations and divided equally between the number of applications accepted.
*I would like to thank anyone who has donated to this program. We were very grateful for it!*
We decided to save our cards until we got the final one. We then bought both the boys brand new carseats!! Gabe was absolutely in need of a new one and Rylan was getting there, Im so happy that we were able to get them nice quality ones that will last them until they don't need them!

We received and filed Jareds taxes, and by WE I mean ME. We are lucky to have a very easy w2 so I can do it myself.
We already have plans too. We are paying down the majority of the Jetta and refinancing threw USAA. The remainder will go to either a vow renewal(pretty much a wedding) for us or a new car for me! And some in savings!

We are continuing to keep our grocery costs low which has been a big help.

Jared and I recently talked about how on earth we went threw so much money before. Granted when he first came home from his first deployment we had to set up an entire house. That stuff starts adding up after a while. We determined our biggest problem is not being aware of how much we made and how much we spent. We just bought things, when ever and for no reason. I know my frequent trips to the craft store did not help(I love Hobby Lobby) nor did our constant eating out!

Well hopefully I can actually keep up with this and stop posting catch up blogs!


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