Friday, February 4, 2011

The Zombie Apocalyps

So Im just throwing this one out there lol.
I was doing laundry and for some reason started thinking about the zombie apocalypse(Im strange I know). I was thinking how we would take the closet doors off out of the boys room and cover the sliding glass door with them. Yes we live on the 3rd floor but the trees are a mere 6ft from our patio and we of course dont know if the hypothetical zombies can climb!
My friends and husband and I have discussed many times at length, what we would do in case of an apocalypse.

Small details vary but we have our basic outline.
Jareds mom and step dad have property in Idaho and by property I mean going up a long winding dirt road with maybe 2 other houses, up into the woods. They have 2 large trailer campers, a potty house(lol) and an open pole barn (the campers underneath). At the bottom of this dirt road is a rural highway and a river and more mountains on the other side.
So from here in Lakewood after things died down a little and we knew what type of zombies we were dealing with. We would make our way to Clarkston.
Some of my plans come from watching Zombie movies lol. Like once I know all this is going down, you bet your but Im packing a backpack with some essentials in it. Medical stuff, an extra pair of clothing for me and the kids(maybe jared and some non perishable foods.
Every time I watch dawn of the dead and they are in the mall, I scream at the tv. Why the hell would you not take advantage of being in a mall with pretty much EVERYTHING you would need if you needed to move on. Alas it is a move though.
So once we made it to the property, assuming they had not been attacked, Jareds family would probably be up there. I hope that my mom and brother at least would be able to make it there too.
Jareds idea is to take inventory first. Make sure the neighbors are ok and that we can have communication with them. If they are not....well we wont hesitate lol.
Then set up an immediate perimeter. Then we would go back to town and find whatever supplies we could, lighting, fencing, medical, ammunition, food.
Luckily our home town is pretty.....industrial? Lots of wear houses and supply stores and a bullet factory! Not only that but between my husband, my father in law and my mother in law we have a lot of things covered. Jared has the tactical training and is capable of setting up a compound of sorts. My fil builds pole barns for a living and is the build it all kind man, he has tools galore. My mil is also the type that sees a few things and can make something useful out of it. She is also good with food. They kill and butcher their own meat, grow gardens. Pretty much going pioneer would be no problem lol. Jareds little brothers know how to shoot guns also(the family has guns)
One thing that would be of some issue is weather or not animals would contract the infection and weather or not it would be in our water. Living on the property would give us the advantage of being able to get deer meat and if we were desperate there are other peoples cows roaming around....ok so probably even if we were not desperate!
Jared wants to go back into town frequently to look for survivors but I am very leery of having to many people with us. With a lot of people you need some kind of order and there is always going to be that one guy(yes I specifically mean a man) who wants to be the "leader", and then you have a problem......
Or you have the not so bright person that leaves a door open or falls asleep on guard, or the chick who screams at the smallest things.

SO with that I have a question. Have you thought about what you would do and(of course) what is your plan of action!


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