Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My challenge.

SO I want to know what you all think. We are going grocery shopping soon(maybe tonight) and I want guesstimates on how much you think I will spend. Just for regional comparison milk where I buy it is $2.18 for 1 gallon of non fat milk, 18 count large eggs is $1.99. So prices are not crazy high.

So here is my list.

Chicken Breasts(2 medium packages)
Stew meat(two 1lb packages)
Ground beef(2lbs)bought 1lb
Milk(2 gall.)bought both
Eggs(one 18 count carton)
Bread(2-3 loafs)
Cheese(one 2lb block)
Yougurt(8pk yoplat)
Spiral noodles(1lb bag)
Brown rice
Frozen mixed veggies(1lb bag)
Frozen Juice(6-8 cans)bought 3cans
Olives, canned(4 cans)bought 2 cans
Mushrooms, canned(4 cans)bought 2 cans
Chilli(4 cans)
Gold Fish(2 bags)
Fruit Cups(2 pks of 4)
Tomato Sauce(4 cans)
Tomatoes, on vine(6 tomatoes)
Baby Carrots(1lb bag)
Lunch meat(4 8-9oz containers)
Hi C punch mix(2 boxes)
Pancake mix(1 family size bag)
Apples(1lb bag)
Oranges(1lb bag)

Mens razors
Womens Razors
Mens saving cream
Baby wipes

So place your bets! How much will I spend???

So I fibbed! We did not go grocery shopping lastnight which ment I had to go to Safeway to get a few things. I hate shopping at Safeway. Over priced.
Anyway I will cross out the things I bought in the list and give you my total so you can decide from there my over all spenditure!

Safeway total $22.33


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