Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Completely forgot!

Completely forgot to tell you all about two very exciting things!

#1) Gabe turned 1!! Its so crazy to think that its been a whole year since I had him! I remember that day so clearly. It was a crazy day. I think I will share with you!

6am January 10th I got a call from Madigan saying to be in by 7 for my induction. I was 41wks and 4 days! My mom had flown in the day before with Myles. We were all hoping my induction would go quick since my mom actually had to leave that day. Meghan and Rylan were there too of course. Jared was not able to come home though.
So we go to the hospital, I get my room and everything. I had to have some IV fluids and my antibiotics first so They started the pitocin at about 8am. Contractions with pitocin are HORRIBLE compared to natural! I only made it to 4cm before I requested my epidural where as with Rylan I was 8 before I opted for it. Strangly the only thing I remember of the Epi was the nurses gross yellow nails and halitosis breath.
As the day went on I progressed ok. At one point I sat up and said to my mom "I feel like Im going to throw up" then I kind of passed out a little. The nurses and doctor came running in putting the oxygen mask on and making me turn on my side.
All was good though. Contractions are known to make me throw up though and I also had to have the oxygen mask with Rylan too.
Then came the sad part. My mom had to leave and Meghan had to take her to the airport so I was by myself. My mom cried, the nurse cried I almost cried. They left around 5pm. My doctor came in and wanted me to do a trial push. Well that was not a good idea, Gabes heart rate dipped very low but slowly came back up. We gave it 20 min and she came back in to do another trial push. Nothing was set up, the bed was not broken down and she had no gown on. I was holding one of my legs(legs are so heavy when your numb!!) and a nurse had the other. I pushed once and everyone told me to stop. Not to move a muscle, dont even laugh.
I asked why and the nurse looked at me crazy like and said Gabes head was right there!! MY doctor rushed to get her gown on and that was it. I pushed 3 more times and he was out!!
All 9lbs 13oz of him!!
Meghan showed up about 10min later and Jared got to call me about half hour later!

Thats right Im making it happen! Im going to be a dialisys Tech. I just got word today that the MYCAA scholarship for military spouses! It only covers my tuition but I am getting the Pell Grant to cover things like books and supplies!


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