Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 6

Day 6 - Post a picture of the base your spouse is stationed at and tell 5 cool things about that base
We are stationed at Ft. Lewis WA or more recently known as Joint Base Lewis McChord.
Jared re enlisted while he was in Iraq on his first tour, specifically to come here. Our home town is about 7 hrs SE of here.

So this is actually on post a little ways after you go threw the main gate. Its across from the PX.
In the back ground is Mt. Rainier!

Fun facts
1)It was established in 1917 originally as Camp Lewis
Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base were combined to establish the Joint Base Lewis-McChord on February 1, 2010.
3)Almost every time you go threw main gate they will say, I Corps or Americas Corps.(we thought they were saying "nice car" when we first got here)
4)Ft. Lewis is about 1hr from Seattle WA and 2hrs from The Pacific Coast!
5)It rains A LOT with the average annual precipitation being 43.3 inches


Kate said...

Hahaha. When they first started saying "America's corps" jeff was at NTC.. so when he called from there I swore to him the gate guards all said "madagascar" now. And I even was reserching online to try and figure out what significance "madagascar" had to the army. lol

Ashley said...

hahahahah omg that is hilarious!!!
They said I corps and Jared was like oh thanks and started driving threw the gate. I think it took a few times for us to figure out what exactly they were saying and why lol.

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