Saturday, June 25, 2011 about an update lol.

So. Every computer in our house is dead lol. I'm typing this on my crappy phone that chooses when to charge and auto correct at the worst times. So forgive me if things look wonkey!

Let's see, since posting last, a few things have happened. Jared went to YTC for 3 wks and unlike everyone else he dis not take his phone(following rules lol) so we dis not speak for 2wks! We havent gone that long without talking since his first deployment so that was a little tough. His friend got him to call me though so we talked twice before he came home.
He was then home for a week, and then left for a week. He missed fathers day again but oh well we still celebrateed when he got back!!!
The week he was gone just happened to bee the week of my finals for school.
I passed every class and passed overall with a B-.
I'm proud but honestly not THAT proud. Some classes I just made the cut. Balanceing everything just got hard. Sometimes I didn't study, or I would misplace papers, get behind on modules.
The one that stressed me out most of all was ly machine set up test. I don't like the way the teacher runs things. He tricks us left.and right.
I lost my log of machine set ups, which he was apparently basing our finals off of. If we had a full log then he would juat ask you questions. For me I had to do a set up and answer question. I'm not quite sure he understood how close I was to barfing and or bawling, because I was so nervous.
Despite watching set up videos the night before I made a few simple mistakes that should have been second nature. I was so flustered at that that I had trouble answering the questions. On top of that he had a former student and current tech in there visiting. While I was doing my final!!!
I left.crying.
But I passed.with a 70%

I see lots for improving though.

I have decided to drop my clinicals though. When i found out that my clinic was to be in Bremerto, and talking to Jared, I just don't think this is the right time. I have the option to take just the clinicals at a later dated and possibly get a closser clinic.
Working out mine and jareds secheduals and adding the boys in there, with only 1car is just to hectic. Jared leaves way early and never gets off the same time. With out him having the car he can't get home or pick up the boys, if he has the car I can't get to clinics. This would also mean me being gon 14hrs a day (12 at the clinic and 1 he drive each way). If Jared at least had a car he could pick them up earlier!

Anyway, I'm realizing that this is all a lot harder than I thought, and that tuition is a crock.
I'm not sure I would recommend this school to anyone. I've seen so many students be screwed over by the FA department including myself. You can't get anyone to answer their phones and dnot expect your phone call to be returned anytime soon! I will be happy when I get this all out of the way and can move on!

Random side note. I've been looking on to American military university and their terrorism studies and counter intelligence degrees..... If only I had the money lol.


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