Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 5 of the envelope method(and some rambelings)

Well its been 5 days of *trying* to keep track of our money. I say trying because it hasn't gone as smoothly as I though it was going to. We actually did really well grocery wise. Even with Jared having CQ twice(today is the 2nd time). Im even making home made lunch and dinner to take to him. With that we are right at our $350 budget.
I haven't totaled it yet but we have spent money for other things. $36 for gas(we budgeted $100 and about $20 for some inexpensive Halloween decor. We did have a forgotten about expense for a Brazilian jujitsu seminar for Jared which is $100.
This month is also mine and Rylans birthdays, so those expenses aren't exactly budgeted but kept in check. Yesterday we got him a much needed new pair of shoes, and for his birthday he is getting a trike with a helmet, some new clothes(hes getting so tall) and a toy or 2.
So to sum it up, next paycheck should go a little smoother than this one. Im learning what to tweak and not feeling so nervous about it.
With about 10 days left we have more money left in our account than usual and with only one bill left to pay(its automatic on a certain day) we are doing pretty good.
We are hoping to save enough money to have our first ever Halloween party at our apartment, and to invite some of Jareds work friends over.

This is a FAR cry from a little over a year ago, when being overdraft $300-$400 5 days out from being paid, was the norm.
We were lucky enough to pay off every debt except one with our taxes and still have a little over 2k left in savings from it. We were lucky enough to be able to save some money while Jared was deployed to soften then blow of him coming back home and transitioning back to normal pay(non-hazard pay).
Our one and only debt is our car, which we owe about $5800 on. Our plan for that is to put our savings into it and refinance with USAA for a lower interest rate.
All in all we are very lucky to be in the financial state we are and to be in so little debt(compared to many our age.

Im so much more laid back about money than I was before. It was my biggest stress. Although I do still get those flashes of anxiety when we spend money, just remembering the feeling of dread that we had over drafted again.


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