Friday, February 25, 2011

Is this uncommon

So I tried searching for tips on money saving/budgeting while in college. Everything Google brought up was for a single person.
There is not much out there(if anything) for someone with and established family. I know my situation is not that unusual. A lot of people go to college after they have their family, I guess none of them blog about it though lol.

So Ive had some ideas about what my upcoming posts are going to include.

1) School supplies on the Cheap.
*I had contemplated using my laptop but its not to reliable and fixing it will cost more than its worth. I also think I will retain more by simply writing and re writing my notes.

2) Books on the cheap.
*I only need about 6 books this first quarter but at least one of them is $100+ so Im going to do my best to find the least expensive option.

3)Scrub review.
*Since Im going to be a "medical" student I have to wear scrubs. Ive heard walmart has some pretty cheap Dickie's ones. I also found a website called that was then recommended by a friend, and the brand Laguna was also suggested.
I will probably just get the Dickies at first since I need them the first week of class but dont know if I need specific colors or not. Then later on I'll try out some from the website and tell you all how it goes!

4)Budget tips.
*Once I get a hold on how our budget will look I will tell you all how Im doing it.

5)College and FOOD!
*So since I will be in class from 8am to 3pm every day, with a 1hr break once day and half hour breaks the rest, Im going to have to figure out how to eat cheaply and healthfully.
Im thinking easy snacks I can munch on during my walk to my next class or (discretely) munch on during class(is that allowed lol).

Im really excited to have new things to blog about!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A little refreshment!

So with some news, this blog is going to take a new path!

I am officially a.........COLLEGE STUDENT!!!
Im so excited. I signed up for my classes yesterday, got my funding threw MYCAA approved and this morning got word that my data sheet got to the college for my Pell Grant.

MyCAA will be paying for all of my base tuition except for 1 class. You can only recieve FA for 6 classes a quarter with mycaa and I have 7. So I picked my 1 credit class to leave out. Its only $54 so not a big deal. Unless and until I receive my pell grant I will have to pay for that class and all the other "fees" out of pocket. That totals about $420.
My classes start the 30th of March.
The boys will be watched by my friend Lauren who has so amazingly agreed to an amount MUCH lower than what I would be paying at a daycare or someone who required minimum wage!
AND I will be looking for a car!!

So with that new, this is the turn the blog will be taking.

Budgeting while dealing with college and daycare.
My monthly cost for daycare will be $400. 8am to 3pm M-F.

This will change how our grocery's will be bought since no one will be home for breakfast or lunch and morning/mid day snacks.
I will have to budget for foods I can make at home and take to school with me, trying to keep it low cost and still healthy.
Once I do get a car I will also have to work in gas and insurance and the initial registration costs.

My next few post though will be about budgeting for the upcoming costs towards school supplies and text books, scrubs and the like.

So until next time!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Falling into place.

This post might be a little introspective.
I realized recently that my life is really falling into place. Relationship, parental, personal wise. Its just going well. Its an overwhelming feeling knowing that I don't have drama looming over me all the time. I don't have a stressful relationship with Jared. Yes we have our moments, our annoyances, but we have a very good relationship. No worry of cheating, no money problems, no inattentiveness, no absent father syndrome. He loves our children with everything he has and has grown so much as a man and father. I see so many couples our age and it makes me sad. Men(if you can call them that) not yet accepting that they have made another human being that needs more than food and clothing. Seeing men who take for granted the little person that adores them whole heatedly. Taking milestones so nonchalantly when they should be cherished and celebrated.
Seeing women so warped up in themselves and their frivolous wants that they demean their S.O. Being so selfish to make a one sided relationship that lacks respect for one another. To not realize that the child that came out of them is THEIR responsibility now. That that person needs to be put before partying and friends. Life changes with children and a husband.
It also hurts to see the wife who has given up everything of herself. For some women, being a stay at home mom or wife is their ultimate. There are those though that want other things. Like a job, or to obtain higher education or to have a hobby.
It huts because Ive been there and still kind of am. Ive not taken anytime for my wants. That is changing though. Ive realized that me being happy is going to make me a better mom and wife. I cant sit her any longer and dwell on what I have not done, I just have to do it.
That is why going to school is so important to me. Which is all in motion.

Even though we have been threw a lot, we are very blessed. Our relationship was unconventional, fast and young. I know we had many doubters in the beginning but we have proven them wrong. Not for them but for us.
We were only together about 2wks when Jared told me he loved me.
Only together 3 months when he joined the army
4 months when he left for basic
We were only together for 9months when he proposed to me.
We were only together 11 months before we got pregnant
Together 18months when I graduated HS
Together 19 months when we got married.
23 months when our first son was born.
23 months when he first deployed.
Then he was gone for 15 long months.
Together 38 months when we survived our first deployment.
38months of being together before we actually live with each other!
43 months together when we made our first cross country move from TN to WA.
44 months when we got pregnant with our second son.
51 months when our first year FULL year of living together had concluded, with him deploying again.
53 months when our second son came into this world not getting the chance to be greeted by his on daddy.
61 months when he again came home and for the first time met his second son.
68 months is where we sit now.

68 months.
That we have pushed threw so much stuff. Dealt with so many emotions, stemming from deployment, from being alone, from just trying to find our normal. To make the adjustments that most couples get to make around the 24month mark. To adapt(for him) to being a father when you haven't been able to for 15 months with the first and 7 months with the second.
To release some control and figure out how to live with your husband as an equal, not the head of the house.
While we have had our ups and down with in these last 68 months it has done nothing but make us stronger. Our commitment to each other never wavered. Our commitment to make our relationship better grew stronger. Our commitment to make our selves better pushed threw.

I can not tell you where we will be in the many months to come, there should be some crazy ones. The month I start school and have to send my babies to daycare will be a hard one. The month I graduate will be a prideful one.
The month(s) Jared gets out of the army will be stressful/exciting/unknown.
The month(s) we move back home will be challenging.
But I am, at least, calmed by the fact that I know my husband and I can make it threw.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Using a Professional Organzier

So Jared came home today and said that he thinks we should hire a professional organizer. Fine with me lol. Did he think I would be like "Oh no, no one is coming in here to help my decrease my clutter and maximize my space!!" ?
So he called a local company to ask how much they charge and get a feel for what all they do.
The woman said she charges $50 an hour(I don't know if that's a good rate lol) but that she likes to work at a quick pace. She comes prepared with stuff beforehand and all that jazz. Shes not a minimalist so she understands if *I* really don't want to get rid of something.
She asked Jared a lot of questions over the phone about us. I'm assuming to gauge how willing we were to get rid of things and if we were hoarders lol.
So she is coming on Wednesday to do an "evaluation" to see what she can do for us.

I said *I* in a previous statement because I will admit that I hang on to things.
No I dont keep trash, like wrappers and crap, but I do keep some things that most people would just toss. Like boxes for things. Mostly odd shaped things like Rylans piggy bank box with the original Styrofoam. I know we are going to be moving again and finding something that would fit that, very breakable thing, would be very hard. I did how ever let that go. OR like the boxes for the new printer and wireless router I just bought. The guy at walmart told me it would be easier to send them back if something was wrong since I got the protection plan, if I had the box too. I also saved the wrappers for the pieces of the printer just in case I needed to replace a piece I would know exactly which one I needed.
Awhile ago Jared and I did attempt to de clutter and we actually did A LOT. I threw away so much stuff.
I have a file box full of papers, instruction manuals, information papers I might need. I also recently went threw that and paired it down.
Jared thinks that the woman will say we have to many clothes. I think she is going to ask where all my clothes are. Seriously I have 2 pairs of jeans and 8 shirts! Jared on the other hand.......
Hes lucky I don't buy clothing like other women! Shoes too!

I am excited though that we can have someone help us get organized. I always just get so overwhelmed that I get no where. That is when I get the time to even try!

So have any of you ever used a professional organizer? WOULD you ever use one? Oh yeah, can anyone else admit they hold on to somethings a little to long lol?

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Zombie Apocalyps

So Im just throwing this one out there lol.
I was doing laundry and for some reason started thinking about the zombie apocalypse(Im strange I know). I was thinking how we would take the closet doors off out of the boys room and cover the sliding glass door with them. Yes we live on the 3rd floor but the trees are a mere 6ft from our patio and we of course dont know if the hypothetical zombies can climb!
My friends and husband and I have discussed many times at length, what we would do in case of an apocalypse.

Small details vary but we have our basic outline.
Jareds mom and step dad have property in Idaho and by property I mean going up a long winding dirt road with maybe 2 other houses, up into the woods. They have 2 large trailer campers, a potty house(lol) and an open pole barn (the campers underneath). At the bottom of this dirt road is a rural highway and a river and more mountains on the other side.
So from here in Lakewood after things died down a little and we knew what type of zombies we were dealing with. We would make our way to Clarkston.
Some of my plans come from watching Zombie movies lol. Like once I know all this is going down, you bet your but Im packing a backpack with some essentials in it. Medical stuff, an extra pair of clothing for me and the kids(maybe jared and some non perishable foods.
Every time I watch dawn of the dead and they are in the mall, I scream at the tv. Why the hell would you not take advantage of being in a mall with pretty much EVERYTHING you would need if you needed to move on. Alas it is a move though.
So once we made it to the property, assuming they had not been attacked, Jareds family would probably be up there. I hope that my mom and brother at least would be able to make it there too.
Jareds idea is to take inventory first. Make sure the neighbors are ok and that we can have communication with them. If they are not....well we wont hesitate lol.
Then set up an immediate perimeter. Then we would go back to town and find whatever supplies we could, lighting, fencing, medical, ammunition, food.
Luckily our home town is pretty.....industrial? Lots of wear houses and supply stores and a bullet factory! Not only that but between my husband, my father in law and my mother in law we have a lot of things covered. Jared has the tactical training and is capable of setting up a compound of sorts. My fil builds pole barns for a living and is the build it all kind man, he has tools galore. My mil is also the type that sees a few things and can make something useful out of it. She is also good with food. They kill and butcher their own meat, grow gardens. Pretty much going pioneer would be no problem lol. Jareds little brothers know how to shoot guns also(the family has guns)
One thing that would be of some issue is weather or not animals would contract the infection and weather or not it would be in our water. Living on the property would give us the advantage of being able to get deer meat and if we were desperate there are other peoples cows roaming around....ok so probably even if we were not desperate!
Jared wants to go back into town frequently to look for survivors but I am very leery of having to many people with us. With a lot of people you need some kind of order and there is always going to be that one guy(yes I specifically mean a man) who wants to be the "leader", and then you have a problem......
Or you have the not so bright person that leaves a door open or falls asleep on guard, or the chick who screams at the smallest things.

SO with that I have a question. Have you thought about what you would do and(of course) what is your plan of action!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Completely forgot!

Completely forgot to tell you all about two very exciting things!

#1) Gabe turned 1!! Its so crazy to think that its been a whole year since I had him! I remember that day so clearly. It was a crazy day. I think I will share with you!

6am January 10th I got a call from Madigan saying to be in by 7 for my induction. I was 41wks and 4 days! My mom had flown in the day before with Myles. We were all hoping my induction would go quick since my mom actually had to leave that day. Meghan and Rylan were there too of course. Jared was not able to come home though.
So we go to the hospital, I get my room and everything. I had to have some IV fluids and my antibiotics first so They started the pitocin at about 8am. Contractions with pitocin are HORRIBLE compared to natural! I only made it to 4cm before I requested my epidural where as with Rylan I was 8 before I opted for it. Strangly the only thing I remember of the Epi was the nurses gross yellow nails and halitosis breath.
As the day went on I progressed ok. At one point I sat up and said to my mom "I feel like Im going to throw up" then I kind of passed out a little. The nurses and doctor came running in putting the oxygen mask on and making me turn on my side.
All was good though. Contractions are known to make me throw up though and I also had to have the oxygen mask with Rylan too.
Then came the sad part. My mom had to leave and Meghan had to take her to the airport so I was by myself. My mom cried, the nurse cried I almost cried. They left around 5pm. My doctor came in and wanted me to do a trial push. Well that was not a good idea, Gabes heart rate dipped very low but slowly came back up. We gave it 20 min and she came back in to do another trial push. Nothing was set up, the bed was not broken down and she had no gown on. I was holding one of my legs(legs are so heavy when your numb!!) and a nurse had the other. I pushed once and everyone told me to stop. Not to move a muscle, dont even laugh.
I asked why and the nurse looked at me crazy like and said Gabes head was right there!! MY doctor rushed to get her gown on and that was it. I pushed 3 more times and he was out!!
All 9lbs 13oz of him!!
Meghan showed up about 10min later and Jared got to call me about half hour later!

Thats right Im making it happen! Im going to be a dialisys Tech. I just got word today that the MYCAA scholarship for military spouses! It only covers my tuition but I am getting the Pell Grant to cover things like books and supplies!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My challenge.

SO I want to know what you all think. We are going grocery shopping soon(maybe tonight) and I want guesstimates on how much you think I will spend. Just for regional comparison milk where I buy it is $2.18 for 1 gallon of non fat milk, 18 count large eggs is $1.99. So prices are not crazy high.

So here is my list.

Chicken Breasts(2 medium packages)
Stew meat(two 1lb packages)
Ground beef(2lbs)bought 1lb
Milk(2 gall.)bought both
Eggs(one 18 count carton)
Bread(2-3 loafs)
Cheese(one 2lb block)
Yougurt(8pk yoplat)
Spiral noodles(1lb bag)
Brown rice
Frozen mixed veggies(1lb bag)
Frozen Juice(6-8 cans)bought 3cans
Olives, canned(4 cans)bought 2 cans
Mushrooms, canned(4 cans)bought 2 cans
Chilli(4 cans)
Gold Fish(2 bags)
Fruit Cups(2 pks of 4)
Tomato Sauce(4 cans)
Tomatoes, on vine(6 tomatoes)
Baby Carrots(1lb bag)
Lunch meat(4 8-9oz containers)
Hi C punch mix(2 boxes)
Pancake mix(1 family size bag)
Apples(1lb bag)
Oranges(1lb bag)

Mens razors
Womens Razors
Mens saving cream
Baby wipes

So place your bets! How much will I spend???

So I fibbed! We did not go grocery shopping lastnight which ment I had to go to Safeway to get a few things. I hate shopping at Safeway. Over priced.
Anyway I will cross out the things I bought in the list and give you my total so you can decide from there my over all spenditure!

Safeway total $22.33

Yet again I fail!

Blogging while Jared is home is so much harder lol. I normally blog after the boys go to bed. With Jared home I spend that time with him. Watching Spartacus or playing xbox. Needless to say the blog has been the last thing on my mind lol.

On to some updates-

During Christmas Jared and I decided that we didnt want to get each other a gift but pick one both of us wanted. In the end we decided on the Kinect and the Dance Central game!! This is our first purchase that we could decide to get and not feel guilty about or strap us financially. Our reward for being good savers!

We were lucky enough to recieve Heros at Home gift Cards from Sears this year. It is a donation funded program that gives military members a special thank you for their service. It is open to any rank and branch. The disbursement comes in 3 cards, amount depending on donations and divided equally between the number of applications accepted.
*I would like to thank anyone who has donated to this program. We were very grateful for it!*
We decided to save our cards until we got the final one. We then bought both the boys brand new carseats!! Gabe was absolutely in need of a new one and Rylan was getting there, Im so happy that we were able to get them nice quality ones that will last them until they don't need them!

We received and filed Jareds taxes, and by WE I mean ME. We are lucky to have a very easy w2 so I can do it myself.
We already have plans too. We are paying down the majority of the Jetta and refinancing threw USAA. The remainder will go to either a vow renewal(pretty much a wedding) for us or a new car for me! And some in savings!

We are continuing to keep our grocery costs low which has been a big help.

Jared and I recently talked about how on earth we went threw so much money before. Granted when he first came home from his first deployment we had to set up an entire house. That stuff starts adding up after a while. We determined our biggest problem is not being aware of how much we made and how much we spent. We just bought things, when ever and for no reason. I know my frequent trips to the craft store did not help(I love Hobby Lobby) nor did our constant eating out!

Well hopefully I can actually keep up with this and stop posting catch up blogs!