Thursday, November 17, 2011

My biggest parenting challenge and joy.

So while looking threw my blog feed I read a post from Motherhood Truth. She was writing about the Seven wonders of HER world. It was in response to a blog called Mama's Loosin' it. Every Tuesday Mama Kat give out some writing prompts and then on Thursday and post your URL to the post you wrote using one of the prompts.
I thought this would be an awesome thing for me to try. Often times I get the urge to blog, but really have no idea what to say
So I chose the writing prompt: Your biggest parenting challenge and/or joy.
So here I go.

I have only been a mom for 4years. Needless to say Rylan was a surprise to my 18yr old self. Jared and I were engaged at the time and I was planning to go to culinary school in Portland OR. I was also still in HS. So a lot of things changed for me in a very short amount of time. Rylan was born a little less than 2wks before Jared deployed. So I raised him for the first 15months of his life. I got do do things the way I wanted with him. I guess you could say that my control issues are related to the military life style. I dont have control over or say in a lot of things, some pretty big things. So when I do find something that I have total say in, I get a little obsessive over. After Jared came home it was a little difficult for me, to let someone else make decisions about Rylan was frustrating. Even the simplest things like picking what he should wear. If it wasnt what I thought he should be wearing it was hard not to say something. Then as Rylan started getting accustomed to Jared, he started listening to Jared and not me. Once again I had no control. Since then things have gotten better and Im more able to enjoy things and not worry about how I think it should be.
Rylan is in some ways, my exact opposite(which would be his dad lol). I am quiet, I dont talk a lot and I hate repeating myself. I REALLY dont like talking in the morning. Rylan on the other hand is a chatty cathy ALL THE TIME! The mornings and when he is in the car are the worst. Its like the time that he slept he was accumulating all these things to tell me and he HAS to say it all the second we get up. I also have NO imagination! Even since I was young. So sometimes it is hard for me to relate to Rylan and his huge imagination.
Rylan is a big joy in my life. He is amazingly smart, so I dont have to really dumb things down for him a lot. I enjoy seeing him learn. He is very curious and I feed of what he is talking about for the day and we learn about it. He is such a sweet and love child, and he is kind of attached to me. He can also be very whiny, over dramatic and crys a lot. I think this has been my biggest challenge with him. It can be difficult to go about our day because he is crying about something that is nothing.
Then there is Gabriel. Sweet, chunky, stubborn, almost 2, Gabe. He has been challenging and joyfull in such different ways than Rylan. Like I mentioned he is STUBBORN! He makes things exponentially more difficult than it needs to be. Rylan was never stubborn like this. I took him everywhere when he was this age. He would sit in his stroller, sit in a restaurant booth and be good to go. Gabe is a different story. If he can not walk, and destroy, he is NOT happy. We can get about 5 min out of him and then its preventative measure time. Making sure there is nothing in his reach(he will throw it, eat it or rip it up) making sure he has a snack(although it only quiets him for a while) and keeping him from screeching.
Im sure people love us at the mall when he is hanging half out of his stroller screaming like we are torturing him.
It has been a big change learning how to deal with him as compared to Rylan.
Like I said he is BIG and very physical. Sometimes I have to have Jared hold or handle him because he is just to strong for me.
The joys of him are pretty awesome though. He is very funny. He is going to be the class clown, we can already tell. From a young age he has been making faces at people, he has a pretty good stink face! His emotions are plain to see and usually LOUD no matter what they are. He loves to sing and dance when Jared plays guitar, he loves to run(away from me usually) and he loves to cuddle with Jared.
Overall my challenges can be summed up in that, I had my children when I was still making the transition from "child"(Ive always been more mature for my age though) to young adult, at the same time my children are going threw the first few years of their lives, which are difficult. Doing this together, while a learning experience, is kind of stressful!
Threw all that though is the joy of experience my children, good and not so nice. Getting to teach them such things that are so exciting to developing minds. Getting to see the excitement on their faces, brings me such a warmth that I never knew existed.
I am so thankful for my boys who are so unique, fun, trying and exhausting.


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