Saturday, April 2, 2011

Does this mean Im getting older?

In High school I wasnt a bad student but I didnt really try my hardest. I got ok grades with out really trying or studying. I took the minimum required classes and had a short sechedual my junior and senior yrs because there was nothing else I could take. I had double the "extra curricular" classes than needed!
In starting college I knew I would be a little different but worried(and still do) that I would fall back into that pattern. My goal is to have a 4.0 and ALSO learn the non book taught aspect of my field.
I went to school 3 days last week but have yet to recieve the syllabus. We are having out first vocabulary test on Monday. Friday during free time I wrote out the definitions of the words and studied a little. Tonight I ACTUALLY studied the best I could. I actually feel very confident for my first test!!
Well then I got to thinking. If I had bought my medical terminology book/cd I could be studying even more right now. The modules are work at your own pace, so I could be getting a head start. Im a little mad at myself that I am not able to do so. I couldn't afford to buy my $90 medical terminology book Friday because the bank still had the hold on my Pell Grant, but now its good and I can get my book Monday. But thats a whole weekend I lost!
This leads me to the title of my post. Iam starting to realize that postponing school and not going straight out of HS may have been a very good thing for me. I am more motivated now, more focused and more confident!
So maybe it is not a situation of just age but life lol. Im an adult now and I can do this better than I could have then!


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