Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And I did it again

Ive been gone for a while lol.

Im still adjusting to this whole school thing. It usually takes me a week or two to get back in to a routine when I switch things up but this is the biggest change Ive made in a long time so its taking longer.
Getting school and home life coordinated is difficult. Keeping up with my household stuff, time with the boys and jared and my school work is crazy.
I am just now getting to the point of a routine and "normally" which is actually going to change a little with finding a new babysitter. Miss Lauren is moving back home so I need to find someone new. Most of my prospects are on base so thats going to be an adjustment.
Also after this month is over my class schedule changes again. Right now I dont have to be to class until 10am except on fridays I go in at 8am. It will switch to 8am everyday. Then once this quarter is up it will change again once I am assigned a clinic! OY!!
At this point Jared is getting a ride to and from work every day. He pays a friend who lives near by $40 a month which is less that what we would be paying for another car(in payment and gass) plus we use less gas since my school and the babysitter is only 5min away.

So with my house a mess, laundry piling up and dinner being later I think I have a routine made out.
Mornings are flexible at this point. Im "usually" up by 7:30am which lets me get dressed and the boys clothes layed out and I eat. Then I wake the boys up at 8am get them dressed and feed them a little. Then we get to the sitters by 8:30(or 8) and I go to class. Getting to class this early gives me extra time to study, make sure I my assignments are correct and to sit in and watch the other students do machine set ups. Its also nice on test days because I can do an extra study so its fresh in my mind!

Finances and school are TOUGH! Thats another thing we are adjusting too. We had everything set perfectly to live with in our means and have money to put into savings. The money we normally put in savings is going to daycare now. Not that Im complaining about that lol. I was lucky enough to find a friend I really like and am comfortable letting her watch my kids, I was also Extremely lucky that Im not having to pay 1300+ a month like I would at a daycare!!
School came with so many more expenses than where divulged to us. Having to buy extra items, only being able to buy them at the over priced book store.
I did everything as inexpensively as I could. Used what I had at home(pens, notebooks, stray backpack).
We are doing ok, bills are paid and we are feed. There is just NO wiggle room!

I am liking class though. We got threw dry stringing the machine and have moved on to adding a saline bag, so there is actually liquid moving threw the tubing lol.
Its difficult when you only have 1 day of instructed machine set up during the week. You can take turns during down times in class but its hard getting the teacher to help you in depth with each and every alarm going off.
Today he would have a group go up but stop at any point during their set up. He would call up a group and they would have to figure out where the last person left off. That was HARD! 1 figuring out where they left off and 2 remembering the process its self. Its hard from start to finish anyway but doing it like this was harder.
Then he would do something wrong with the machine and the next group would have to trouble shoot what was wrong with the machine.

My group has done 2 field studys at 2 different clinics in the area. It was neat to see how different companies run(one was non profit and one was FOR profit) It was nice to see patients and get good information on the field.

Well Im tired so I will write more later!


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