Thursday, December 29, 2011


Yep I'm back! Between moving, Jared leaving and trying to get settled here at my moms, I haven't had much time to post. On top of that Rylan got me sick 2days ago. I've been fighting sickness since I got here. It happens every time I come to the valley. It usually ends up in my lungs and takes about 2 weeks to get over. This time though I have a feeling it's a mild flu.
Anyway. On to what I really wanted to talk about. Money!
So this coming paycheck will be Jared's first "deployment" paycheck. This means big things for us. Probably not what most would think though. A trend that I have seen with some military family's is major spending during deployments, the husband coming home to really no more than a new huge tv. It's amazing to me the amount of family's who are in needless debt acquired while in the military.
Yes we have done our fair share of frivolous spending but we live with in our means.
This is Jared's 3rd deployment. Our mentality on money between his first and now is vastly different! We were young and it was the first time either of us had had that much money. I paid no attention how much he was making or what our expenses were. I lived with my mom(I was 19, maybe I'll tell the story some day) and my car was given to me by my mon. So we started out pretty good.
We have managed to pay of the debt we had other than our car, 2yrs ago, and only accumulate a small amount since then. About a year ago Jared got a Discover card with now interest for a year. The limit is $500 and only once have we met that limit. We looked at our budget and decided how much we could use on it and be able to pay it off in full each paycheck, which is $300. Then we have a reward zone card with best buy, which saved us when both of our computers got viruses , the balance on that is $300. What we have left on the car is $600($6,900 in 5years is awesome!!).
So my plans are to pay VERY close attention to what is coming and going with pay and expenses this time.
I'm keeping my personal expenses low. My mom is letting us live here rent free, I help with food though, and watching my brother to help reduce her daycare bill. Eventually I hope to be working to though. All extras were canceled when I moved so this is the list of expenses for right now-
-cell, $168 but 1 line is up in feb and then the bill will be less
-storage $95
-car insurance $141, full coverage can be dropped soon
-car payment $160,our plan is to pay the car off with taxes and owning the car outright!!!
There are only 2 plans that will require money to be spent. Fixing Jared's car and saving for my own car.
I want Jared's car to be in nice working order when he gets home. Starting civilian life with a car that is fresh will be nice.

A lot of this will be made easier if I can get a job. Hopefully I can make enough to cover the small daycare expense(family is helping and Ry will be in preschool) and what ever small things I can. Therefore saving Jared's whole check.

Our whole goal is to start civilian life with no debt other than a house!


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