Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 3 - Post a a random photo of how you and your spouse met. Did you know then that you’d be where you are with him today?

So this is going to be my favorite on I think and Im going to tell you the story.
The first time I saw Jared was in early February. A few months earlier, around October, Meghan and Beth were trying to get me to go to a concert for a local band. One of our classmates and friend was the drummer for the band. We were at a football game and I had a boyfriend at the time so I said no.
So back to February. Said boyfriend and I had broken up. Once again Meghan asks me if I want t to another concert for this band. I agreed after being told their singer was hot lol. I was also informed that he may or may not have a girlfriend. So we go. I walk in and see Jared and I couldn't take my eyes away. I couldn't take my eyes away the ENTIRE concert.
Then at one point I told Meghan and the girls that I was going to date him.
Did I believe that? NO. I was so shy and meek and dorky. To me he was on a totally different level than me. After they got done playing he walked out a side door where I saw him hugging a girl. My heart sank. It was the girl that was rumored to be his on again off again girlfriend.
So the rest of the night was a little awkward, I tried to stay as far away from him as possible.
At one point we were helping the drummer pack up and take his stuff to his car. We were at the car and I guess Jared had said something to me and I just looked at him and walked away. Meghan had to tell me this because I have no recollection of it!
ANYWAY long story short, the girl was no longer his girlfriend(although she couldn't quite grasp that). We met up again at a party and were dating a week later.
This was the night and he was looking in my direction. Even though he didnt see me lol.

Just some fun facts for those not yet board lol.
This was not our first encounter, we later realized.
Going in order.
1)His mom and him used to walk past my grandparents house to go to the store. Jared would always ride his big wheel. My grandparents own their own small auto shop with a bugs bunny sign(autodoc).
I distinctly remember looking out their window seeing a kid riding his big wheel!
2)My mom worked at a daycare that was in a neighborhood so there were residential houses all around. The kids who lived behind the daycare(which I attended) were infamous.
They were HORRIBLE kids lol. They would climb the fence and take the daycare kick balls. They would teach the kids bad words and were always being bad.
I remember one day sitting on top of the monkey bars looking into their yard. I see the older 2 boys chasing the younger sister around the house and her running into the sliding glass door!
That would be none other than my husband and his brother Travis chasing Morgan!
3)The month of October which I talked about earlier, I went to a dance with my then boyfriend.
He went to a different school than me so I didn't know anyone there. I had walked out to my car and when walking back some guy on a skate board almost ran me over. Im sure you can guess who that was lol. Jared and his girlfriend at the time where at that dance!


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