Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 7

Day 7 - Post a picture of a wonderful friend that you’ve made because of your spouse being in the military
This is Nicole, Nate and Aiden.
I met Nicole for the first time just after Jared and I had gotten married. I went back to Ft. Campbell with Jared for a visit(which turned into me staying to have Rylan).
Jared and Nate worked together and they lived 1 apartment complex down from the people we were staying with. They would come over every once and a while with their adorable son Aiden.
Shortly after, the menfolk deployed. Well except mine, he got to stay for Rylan but then deployed.
Nicole moved back to her home town and I to mine. We never got to say goodbye or exchange numbers.
Fast forward about halfway threw the deployment.
I get one of the calls that we never want. No it wasnt that my husband was hurt, but that there had been a death in the unit, but who it is they dont tell you.
My heart stopped. I could only think of Nicole and hope it was not Nate.
But I had no way to contact her and if I did I had no idea what to say.
"Hey is your husband dead?" isnt every eloquent.
About an hour later I get a text from my SIL who we had loaned Jareds phone for the time he was gone.
She says some girl named Nicole texted her asking if I had Jareds phone.
Morgan answered her back telling her the situation. Nicole asked if she could have my number and Morgan said yes.
Nicole wanted to know if everything was alright on my end. I.E. is your husband ok.
I asked the same of her.
We were both good our husbands were just fine.
She said when she got the call she felt the same way I did and couldn't help but try and contact me.
We have been friends since.
We coordinated our arrivals back to Ft. Campbell, I was able to be there to help her unpack her things on Halloween night with her FIL and BIL.
We watched each others kids, had party's at each others houses, met up for Starbucks and the park with the boys.
We even shared our first Thanksgiving away from home together. The men attempted the first deep fried turkeys for any of us. They were amazing!!
Unfortunately, as with army tradition, we were separated.
We PCSd here to WA and they stayed in KY.
Our men deployed again. Hers to a much more dangerous place than mine. Knowing where he was and what was going on I worried for her so much and wish I could have been there more for her. Im over joyed to say that he is coming home to her soon though.
I also very much plan to go see her again soon I may even surprise her!
We have been trying to coordinate a trip to Vegas too!


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