Thursday, December 29, 2011


Yep I'm back! Between moving, Jared leaving and trying to get settled here at my moms, I haven't had much time to post. On top of that Rylan got me sick 2days ago. I've been fighting sickness since I got here. It happens every time I come to the valley. It usually ends up in my lungs and takes about 2 weeks to get over. This time though I have a feeling it's a mild flu.
Anyway. On to what I really wanted to talk about. Money!
So this coming paycheck will be Jared's first "deployment" paycheck. This means big things for us. Probably not what most would think though. A trend that I have seen with some military family's is major spending during deployments, the husband coming home to really no more than a new huge tv. It's amazing to me the amount of family's who are in needless debt acquired while in the military.
Yes we have done our fair share of frivolous spending but we live with in our means.
This is Jared's 3rd deployment. Our mentality on money between his first and now is vastly different! We were young and it was the first time either of us had had that much money. I paid no attention how much he was making or what our expenses were. I lived with my mom(I was 19, maybe I'll tell the story some day) and my car was given to me by my mon. So we started out pretty good.
We have managed to pay of the debt we had other than our car, 2yrs ago, and only accumulate a small amount since then. About a year ago Jared got a Discover card with now interest for a year. The limit is $500 and only once have we met that limit. We looked at our budget and decided how much we could use on it and be able to pay it off in full each paycheck, which is $300. Then we have a reward zone card with best buy, which saved us when both of our computers got viruses , the balance on that is $300. What we have left on the car is $600($6,900 in 5years is awesome!!).
So my plans are to pay VERY close attention to what is coming and going with pay and expenses this time.
I'm keeping my personal expenses low. My mom is letting us live here rent free, I help with food though, and watching my brother to help reduce her daycare bill. Eventually I hope to be working to though. All extras were canceled when I moved so this is the list of expenses for right now-
-cell, $168 but 1 line is up in feb and then the bill will be less
-storage $95
-car insurance $141, full coverage can be dropped soon
-car payment $160,our plan is to pay the car off with taxes and owning the car outright!!!
There are only 2 plans that will require money to be spent. Fixing Jared's car and saving for my own car.
I want Jared's car to be in nice working order when he gets home. Starting civilian life with a car that is fresh will be nice.

A lot of this will be made easier if I can get a job. Hopefully I can make enough to cover the small daycare expense(family is helping and Ry will be in preschool) and what ever small things I can. Therefore saving Jared's whole check.

Our whole goal is to start civilian life with no debt other than a house!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Just checking in and some Good News.

I realized that I have not posted much the last week or two. I posted about BB, but after that it was just hard to find the time. Even as I'm posting this I should be doing more productive things, but I just need a break.
Thanksgiving went well. It was just the 4 of us so we didnt go ALL out. Jared made a turkey and it came out delicious. The inside was still a tiny bit frozen because we didnt read the directions all the way and didnt take the bag off for defrosting! It all worked out in the end though!
After that I started the packing.
Although I had my doubts, we were still going with the plan that army was going to move all our stuff back to the Valley. As I suspected, they will not move us. So that sent me on my search of finding a moving truck. I about fell off the couch when I saw the quotes. $409 from Uhaul and $500 from Budget! Those are only 2 options because they are the only ones with locations both here and in the Valley. So not only was I stressing about the cost but also about who could be here to help me. Both Jareds mom and Meghan want to come, not only to see Jared off but to help me move. Between work scheduled, reliable transportation, who could and wanted to come and of course cost, the plan changed so many times. There is also the issue of getting over Snoqualime Pass which so far is looking like it will be ok.
Which in turn brings up anxiety for Me, Meghan and Jared. Ever since our blizzard incident in North Dakota, the three of us get anxiety driving in snowy conditions, and even just cold air from the car vents blowing on my face gives ME that feeling.
So at one point Stacy(jareds mom) and Meghan were going to rent a small car and come up. Stacy would drive her rental, Meghan would drive my car and I would drive the moving truck. Stacy has never driven a moving truck and there is no way I would make Meghan drive it so that would leave me.
Well then things changed and they were not sure if they could make it. So I was going to have my Uncle fly up and drive back with me. Then that changed.
At this point my anxiety was worsening and I think Jared could tell. While talking to his mom he came up with the perfect idea.
This is why I love him, He is always able to bring me back down and calm my anxiety.
His idea-Put our stuff in storage here!
Why did I not think of this!!!
It makes perfect sense. Im going to be living with my mom. Literally all I would be using anyway is out clothing and vital papers. My mom has beds for me and the boys, I don't need furniture or anything! All of this stuff would be in storage there anyway.
We were not planning on me moving into my own place until he gets back anyway, unless we find a house we ABSOLUTELY want to buy. In the event of that it would be less stressful to come back up and get our stuff. We would be more financially able to, it wouldn't be winter and I could plan it around Meghans work scheduled.
Thankfully I have a pretty awesome mom who initially OFFERED for us to move in with here while Jared was gone this time. Not only that but will let me stay as long as needed. She really does want us to be able to save money and get the best possible start with civilian life. That and she gets to have her babies close, and Myles will have the boys to play with!!!

So the plan now is to have all of our stuff in storage here, aside from essentials.
Stacy and Rod and the 3 boys(Jareds younger brothers) are coming up in their van and bringing Meghan with them! Then Meghan will ride in the car with me on the way back!
That is a BIG stress off of me and Jared. While there are a few other things to finalize all of this, we can spend the time we have left with out worrying so much.

So here is my good news.
Stacy has a close friend who works at the dialysis center in the valley(conveniently located next to her house!), she has been talking to her every so often about me and that I would be looking for a job there when I got back. Well last week Stacy texted saying she had just talked to her friend and there might possibly be an opening! She wanted me to call her so I did! Apparently one of their "students"(the train you there) gave notice and they really need to fill the spot. So I told her about my schooling and she said she would give my name and number to the main person who hires. I also filled out an application on the hospital website. Then I didnt hear anything....until yesterday!
The woman called Jareds phone and left a message, but didnt leave her extension number. Jared also gave me the wrong name! So for about an hour a searched every where I could to find her, finally calling HR and leaving a message. About an hour after that I got a call from her!
She said that they were very interested in me and that when I get back and have a min, to just stop by the clinic for an interview and that she is pretty informal about interviews so what ever worked best for me!!!
I was SO over the moon and texted everyone I could think to! This would be such a blessing if I got this job in quite a few ways.
Part of me moving home and living with my mom, is to save money. Even if I did not get any job at all we could save an ok amount if I kept my expenses low. I would still be helping my mom with food and stuff though, Im not a free loader lol! BUT If I can get this job, keep my expenses low and live off my pay check alone, we could bank Jareds ENTIRE pay check each month, putting us in the LOW range of $17K or high of $20k. Which a LARGE portion will be used for a house down payment!!!
The other benefits are that this will be less stress on Jared when he gets out and is trying to find a job, instead of both of us searching for a job at the same time. This will also make it more possible for him to get a part time job and still go to school(which will also bring in money threw the G.I. Bill). Ideally both of us need to be working full time to live comfortably in this economy but I really want him to be able to go to school!
Lastly, working at the Dialysis center, which is owned by the hospital, offers benefits including Medical and Dental(if FT) and Tuition assistance, which could be helpful if I decide to get my RN.
All in all it would just be awesome for us. So please, any good luck you could pass my way would be awesome!!

Well I think that is it for now, sorry for making this so long! Im not sure how much I will be able to write in the next few weeks but I will try and update for those of you who do read!!