Sunday, July 31, 2011

The unpredictable Army

Do you ever feel like the army knows all of your plans for the future(outside of the army) and then does every possible thing to mess with it? Or that "they" enjoy watching us scramble to make a new plan.
I guess Jared and I were just to jaded in thinking they wouldn't deploy him again so close to his ETS. We always said, when asked, "no he won't have to deploy again, but you know the army". I cant speak for him, but, I never believed that last part. My mistake was thinking logically. Which 9 times out of 10 is not how the army (or some commands anyway) thinks.
These were my thoughts: why send a guy when your just going to send him back in a few months? Why put him in a squad that he is just going to leave, that is not fair to those men, creating a bond knowing one of you is just going to leave?(he may have avoided this one though, I'll mention it later).
Now instead of thinking logically I have to think about where this leaves us, how this changes our plans, immediately and long term. I have to find the positives, push threw the crap, anger, and overwhelming fear. Be strong for Jared, me being a panicky wreck will do no good for him while he is there. Be strong fory boys, rylan is old enough now that he will realize daddy is leaving.

We had planned on staying here for a while after jared gets out. He would get his purple belt, and I would get work experience to have a better chance of a job back home. We had our money saving plan all worked out, setting ourselves up for an "easy" transition.

Our new "plan". Jared is deploying sometime in December. To Afghanistan. His first time there. I will now be moving back home, for good.
During predeployment leave we are traveling home(7hrs away). Leaving the boys with our moms, renting a moving truck and coming back to get all our stuff. It will all go in storage back home for a while, I'll stay with my mom for a month or two, just until things settle down and i find a place for the boys and i. Meanwhile Jared will come back here and find somewhere to stay until they deploy.
He will be deployed about 6months(unless he decides to extend his contract for the length of the deployment). They will send him back here(ft. Lewis) to start the process of getting out. He will then be under geographical bachelor status and be in the barriks. The boys and I will be waiting for him back home.

This whole thing has effected so much. I have to change how my job/school plan will go. Trying to get a clinical set up back home, trying to get a job with them. Jareds plans for jui jitsu and school.
All of this pales in comparison to my biggest fear.
Maybe I'm alone in this thought, maybe I'm just overly paranoid or pessimistic.
Do you ever feel like multiple deployments push fate? How many times can you come out on top?
I know, there are men who have done multitudes of deployments and have come back, and there are the unlucky ones who didn't make it there their first. But it is still there in the back of my mind...

So here we are, pushed to find the positives of a situation we never truly thought would happen. The positives are only there to attempt to make you feel better though, they still seem so small and insignificant compared to having your husband home and safe.
So here they are, our "positives"
-saving money.
Rent is MUCH cheaper back home. Deployment pay. Me finding a job. Tax return.
I am so much more money conscious than I have ever been. I understandbwhat are needs and wants, what I can live with out. I will live on the budget we have now.( my next post will be more about money), banking at minimum $1000 a month, not counting what I may make,
-having family around.
Not only the benefit for the boys of having the bonds with their grandmas, but a benefit to our money savings goal. Daycare costs in general are high but they are higher here. If I stayed here and did my clinicals and got a job, anybthingbi made would go straight to daycare. Not to mention i would be doing 12-14 hr shifts. Both grandmas have agreed to watch the boys as much as possible keeping day care to a very minimum if at all.
-easy transition for Jared.
Instead of worrying about getting home or finding a place, Jared will be able to just come home. He will finish ets and have no stress.

I'm ok with change, I really am, and im pretty good with going with the flow. Sometimes it just pushes me to my limits though. I have a lot to be thankful for and that is what I have to focus on.


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