Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 8

Day 8 - Post your favorite deployment photo (a photo of "see you laters", him coming home, or him deployed) and tell why it is your favorite

So Im bending the rules a little again. I can pic just one photo!
This is the first time Jared met Gabe. Because of the length of his deployment he didnt get to come home for Gabes birth. So this was it at about 2am to boot!

I love this one for 2 reasons.
1) He is in "full battle rattle" i.e. all gear. Which I find incredibly SEXY(who wouldn't lol)
2)He is actually SMILING! A true smile from Jared is elusive. I don't think he has a real smile in any of our wedding pictures!
(this was on his first tour)

Lastly this one.
This is our last Homecoming picture.
While it is AWESOME that we dont ever have to go threw a deployment again, there is something about the feeling of it that I will miss.
Some people may not agree with what Im going to say but its how I feel.
I DO NOT wish my husband to go back to a war zone ever again.
BUT I will miss the feeling of the moment he comes home. The moment I see him for the first time in real life after so long. The feeling of hugging him after so long. The feeling of seeing him with our children again.
Its a weird feeling if you haven't ever gone threw something like this. Its special, amazing and indescribable.

Day 7

Day 7 - Post a picture of a wonderful friend that you’ve made because of your spouse being in the military
This is Nicole, Nate and Aiden.
I met Nicole for the first time just after Jared and I had gotten married. I went back to Ft. Campbell with Jared for a visit(which turned into me staying to have Rylan).
Jared and Nate worked together and they lived 1 apartment complex down from the people we were staying with. They would come over every once and a while with their adorable son Aiden.
Shortly after, the menfolk deployed. Well except mine, he got to stay for Rylan but then deployed.
Nicole moved back to her home town and I to mine. We never got to say goodbye or exchange numbers.
Fast forward about halfway threw the deployment.
I get one of the calls that we never want. No it wasnt that my husband was hurt, but that there had been a death in the unit, but who it is they dont tell you.
My heart stopped. I could only think of Nicole and hope it was not Nate.
But I had no way to contact her and if I did I had no idea what to say.
"Hey is your husband dead?" isnt every eloquent.
About an hour later I get a text from my SIL who we had loaned Jareds phone for the time he was gone.
She says some girl named Nicole texted her asking if I had Jareds phone.
Morgan answered her back telling her the situation. Nicole asked if she could have my number and Morgan said yes.
Nicole wanted to know if everything was alright on my end. I.E. is your husband ok.
I asked the same of her.
We were both good our husbands were just fine.
She said when she got the call she felt the same way I did and couldn't help but try and contact me.
We have been friends since.
We coordinated our arrivals back to Ft. Campbell, I was able to be there to help her unpack her things on Halloween night with her FIL and BIL.
We watched each others kids, had party's at each others houses, met up for Starbucks and the park with the boys.
We even shared our first Thanksgiving away from home together. The men attempted the first deep fried turkeys for any of us. They were amazing!!
Unfortunately, as with army tradition, we were separated.
We PCSd here to WA and they stayed in KY.
Our men deployed again. Hers to a much more dangerous place than mine. Knowing where he was and what was going on I worried for her so much and wish I could have been there more for her. Im over joyed to say that he is coming home to her soon though.
I also very much plan to go see her again soon I may even surprise her!
We have been trying to coordinate a trip to Vegas too!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 6

Day 6 - Post a picture of the base your spouse is stationed at and tell 5 cool things about that base
We are stationed at Ft. Lewis WA or more recently known as Joint Base Lewis McChord.
Jared re enlisted while he was in Iraq on his first tour, specifically to come here. Our home town is about 7 hrs SE of here.

So this is actually on post a little ways after you go threw the main gate. Its across from the PX.
In the back ground is Mt. Rainier!

Fun facts
1)It was established in 1917 originally as Camp Lewis
Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base were combined to establish the Joint Base Lewis-McChord on February 1, 2010.
3)Almost every time you go threw main gate they will say, I Corps or Americas Corps.(we thought they were saying "nice car" when we first got here)
4)Ft. Lewis is about 1hr from Seattle WA and 2hrs from The Pacific Coast!
5)It rains A LOT with the average annual precipitation being 43.3 inches

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 - Post a pic of the branch he is in and list your favorite "stay strong" quote.

Jared is in the United States Army!

This in quite a "stay strong" quote but its my favorite.

"Loving a military man means knowing what its like to have your heart be a thousand miles away........and still have to breathe."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Enich-ritos anyone?

I don't post food things often but this was to good not to share.
If you dont know what an Enchi-rito is I will inform you. Basically its an enchilada and burrito combined. Instead of corn torillas like with normal enchiladas you use flour like for burritos. I also add refried beans to the ground beef to make it go further.
So here goes.

1lb ground beef
1 medium onion
1 can chopped olives
1 can diced tomato
1 can re fried beans
6 large tortillas
1 large or 2 medium cans of Enchilada sauce
2 bags of cheese- 1 Mexican blend 1 Monterrey Jack
1 9x13 baking dish
Taco seasoning

Brown Hamburger and diced onion until. Season with taco seasoning (etc) to you liking.
Add tomato
Re fried beans
Heat until warm

In baking dish pour a little enchilada sauce.
On a plate place 1 tortilla
some shredded cheese
and filling
Roll up and put in pan
Repeat until you have use all the filling
Pour the rest of enchilada sauce on top and sides of tortillas
Top with more cheese
cover with tinfoil
Put in oven on 425 for 15min
The last 5min take the foil of and finish baking!

Tah dah!

Day 4

Day 4 - Post a picture of the family he had to leave behind to protect his country

OK LAST one and I will be caught up lol!
There are a lot of us!
The first tour it was just me and Rylan. Rylan was 14days old when we had to leave Jared in TN.
Then second tour I was pregnant with Gabe when he left.

His mom, step dad. dad.

Day 3 - Post a a random photo of how you and your spouse met. Did you know then that you’d be where you are with him today?

So this is going to be my favorite on I think and Im going to tell you the story.
The first time I saw Jared was in early February. A few months earlier, around October, Meghan and Beth were trying to get me to go to a concert for a local band. One of our classmates and friend was the drummer for the band. We were at a football game and I had a boyfriend at the time so I said no.
So back to February. Said boyfriend and I had broken up. Once again Meghan asks me if I want t to another concert for this band. I agreed after being told their singer was hot lol. I was also informed that he may or may not have a girlfriend. So we go. I walk in and see Jared and I couldn't take my eyes away. I couldn't take my eyes away the ENTIRE concert.
Then at one point I told Meghan and the girls that I was going to date him.
Did I believe that? NO. I was so shy and meek and dorky. To me he was on a totally different level than me. After they got done playing he walked out a side door where I saw him hugging a girl. My heart sank. It was the girl that was rumored to be his on again off again girlfriend.
So the rest of the night was a little awkward, I tried to stay as far away from him as possible.
At one point we were helping the drummer pack up and take his stuff to his car. We were at the car and I guess Jared had said something to me and I just looked at him and walked away. Meghan had to tell me this because I have no recollection of it!
ANYWAY long story short, the girl was no longer his girlfriend(although she couldn't quite grasp that). We met up again at a party and were dating a week later.
This was the night and he was looking in my direction. Even though he didnt see me lol.

Just some fun facts for those not yet board lol.
This was not our first encounter, we later realized.
Going in order.
1)His mom and him used to walk past my grandparents house to go to the store. Jared would always ride his big wheel. My grandparents own their own small auto shop with a bugs bunny sign(autodoc).
I distinctly remember looking out their window seeing a kid riding his big wheel!
2)My mom worked at a daycare that was in a neighborhood so there were residential houses all around. The kids who lived behind the daycare(which I attended) were infamous.
They were HORRIBLE kids lol. They would climb the fence and take the daycare kick balls. They would teach the kids bad words and were always being bad.
I remember one day sitting on top of the monkey bars looking into their yard. I see the older 2 boys chasing the younger sister around the house and her running into the sliding glass door!
That would be none other than my husband and his brother Travis chasing Morgan!
3)The month of October which I talked about earlier, I went to a dance with my then boyfriend.
He went to a different school than me so I didn't know anyone there. I had walked out to my car and when walking back some guy on a skate board almost ran me over. Im sure you can guess who that was lol. Jared and his girlfriend at the time where at that dance!

Day 2

Day 2 - Post a picture of you and you military spouse being silly


This was just after he got home from his first tour. I was actually trying to take a cute picture and this is what I got lol.
I <3 him.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 1

Day 1 - Post a photo of your military spouse and list 10 facts about him

This is Jared on his first deployment circa late 07'

Here are my 10 facts about Jared
1)He is left handed
2)He plays guitar(very well)
3)He sings
4)He is amazingly creative with a passion for drawing
5)Once you getting him talking on a subject he likes he becomes Chatty Kathy.
6)He is really silly
7)He loves our boys with everything he has
8)He has ADHD
9)He does Jui Jitsu
10)He loves me :)

30 Day Challenge: Military style.

So I got this from my Friend Katelyn over at Livin' our Love Song and she got it from another wifes blog at Everyday That Your're Away.
Now I dont normally do things like this because Im just not that open about the military and my marriage and how they inter twine. Im not a "hooah" wife as some people put it, you'll find now ACU purse on my shoulder or dog tags around my neck and the only time Ive ever worn part of his pts is a shirt to bed. Please dont take that as a slam on other wives but thats just not me. Please dont mistake that as me not being proud of my husband and what he has done because I very much am.
This is a way I can outwardly show how much I do think of him.

On to the challenge-
For thirty days, I post a picture every day. And here's the list:

Day 1 - Post a photo of your military spouse and list 10 facts about him

Day 2 - Post a picture of you and you military spouse being silly

Day 3 - Post a a random photo of how you and your spouse met. Did you know then that you’d be where you are with him today?

Day 4 - Post a picture of the family he had to leave behind to protect his country

Day 5 - Post a pic of the branch he is in and list your favorite "stay strong" quote.

Day 6 - Post a picture of the base your spouse is stationed at and tell 5 cool things about that base

Day 7 - Post a picture of a wonderful friend that you’ve made because of your spouse being in the military

Day 8 - Post your favorite deployment photo (a photo of "see you laters", him coming home, or him deployed) and tell why it is your favorite

Day 9 – Post a picture of your favorite thing that you or your spouse has made and tell what it is.

Day 10 - Post a photo that you or your spouse took on webcam or cell phone

Day 11 - Post a picture of the stationary you pour your heart out onto in letters to your spouse

Day 12 – Post a picture of a book you are reading/have read because of your spouse being in the military and tell how it has helped you.

Day 13 – Post a picture of your favorite military support accessory and tell where you got it from.

Day 14 – Post a picture of what consumes most of your time when your spouse is away

Day 15 - Post a picture of your spouse during your proudest moment of him

Day 16 - Post a picture of your favorite piece of jewelry that your spouse has gotten you and why it is your favorite!

Day 17 - Post a picture of something your spouse left you while he was away and how that helped you… did/do you carry it with you or sleep with it?

Day 18 – Post a picture/video and the lyrics of your and your spouse’s song and tell how/why it became y’alls song

Day 19 - Post a picture of his favorite show and tell of one episode you watched with him

Day 20 - Post a pic of you in something military (shirt, camo, etc.)

Day 21 - Post a picture of a movie or show you watch when your spouse is away that you usually don’t watch when he is home and tell why you don’t watch it when he is home.

Day 22 – Post a picture of what keeps you strong when your military spouse is away

Day 23 - Post a picture and tell what your life would be like without your spouse

Day 24 – Post a picture of your spouse's favorite sports team

Day 25- Favorite moment or experience you have had with the military

Day 26 - Post a homecoming picture and tell how you felt that day

Day 27 - Post a picture of something that reminds you of your spouse and tell why it does.

Day 28 – Post a picture of the band that sings the song of your significant other’s ring tone while they are away.

Day 29 – Post a picture of the coolest place you ever got to go to because of your spouse being in the military

Day 30 - Post a picture of your favorite military spouse support group and tell how it has helped you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thank you Eat at home!

So Ive tried to menu plan in the past but always fell short. Lets just say Im lazy.
SO in an effort to make dinner time easier on myself I decided I should actually try a little harder!
I found this awesome site called Eat At Home. This site gives you a weekly menu which includes 6 dinners and 1 dessert! Not only that but you get the recipes and a shopping list!!

This being my first time using a REAL menu plan, it took me a while to get everything together into a coherent plan. Not only did I need the food on the list but I needed the normal stuff too.
I shop at Winco every 2wks. Its a small distance for us so I don't go back weekly.

First I went threw my pantry and refrigerator and cleaned them out. Things that had gone bad or were half used(and couldn't be used again). This gave me a good idea of what we did have to work with and how much we would need.
Then I picked out my menus for 2wks. On each menu I picked a dinner that I like the least and replaced it with steak night. That will keep Jared happy!
My next step was to combine the 2 shopping lists and take out what I already had on hand. It was pretty simple since a lot of the ingredients were similar so I just had to up the amount.
Then I added the things that we needed that were not on the list i.e. things we get normally that are not dinner items.
I then tipped up a new list just because I can lol. I left it in the format of the website though. Produce, Can/dry, meat etc.

So I was ready for grocery shopping. The only things I dont by at Winco are meat products. The commissary has much better pricing on their meat. I bought 4lbs of ground beef 1lb ground pork, 1pack of 3 thick cut Top loin(N.Y.) beef. For about $20. I cant hardly find steaks at Safeway less than $13 or 1lb of ground beef for less than $4.

OK on to Winco. Once again this store makes it possible for me to buy everything I need and stay on budget!
I spent $173 at Winco.
Thats 12 dinners, plus breakfast stuff, plus lunch stuff for us at home and for Jared to take to work plus snacks. I had 97 items.
My most expensive item was a 3lb bag of frozen chicken breasts for $5.98. The close second was the self dispense Clover Honey which is $3.23 per lb costing me $5.07
Everything else was under $4(usually $3 or under).

My 2 menus are Week 14 and Week 3. I wont be making the depression era bread from week 3 though.

Last night I made the Shaker Tomato Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
The soup was AWESOME. Its the perfect easy way to spice up basic canned tomato soup!