Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jared is home/School is over/weight loss/Bountiful Baskets

Boy do I have a lot to write about! For once though its all pretty good stuff!!

Jared is home-
So I picked Jared up a week ago today! It was crazy! I had the time line off the vFRG page, he was one of the last flights to get here. The ET for him was evening time so I had all our stuff planned out, like feeding the boys, cleaning the car while they napped. Last minute stuff. Well as I was cleaning the car, he called and said they were almost there!! I had about 20min to get dressed, wake Gabe, dress the boys and get to the Gym. I made it there with 5 min to spare lol!! Just after he had called me I started shaking so bad, I was so excited to see him!
When the bus pulled in I could spot him instantly and apparently everyone could spot me lol. His LT. was like "woho thats some bright hair" lol.
So after a few minutes of their 1sgt talking to them, and me realizing that MY husband was carrying a 9mil on his thigh(OMG SEXY!). He was able to come over and see us! Jared always makes sure to have a special treat for the boys when he comes back from places weather its sweets or a stuffed animal, he never fails. This time he had suckers for them! They loved it!.
After that it was pretty much life back to normal thankfully!

School is over!-
All I can say is Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! That had to be the worst school experience ever.
The last day we had 4 finals because the teacher was actually 2wks behind schedule.
Our first test was phlebotomy. All but 1 person FAILED. I got a 66% and that was higher than only 2 others. Even the "smart" people got less than me! So he lowered how much that grade impacted our over all grade. I have no idea how I did on the other tests though because they were written and he had to grade them. Our group model was AWESOME though. We received and A- and he didn't hound us like he did some of the other groups.
Over all I passed all my classes with C or B. I'm just glad its over!

Weight loss-
So last post I had lost 3lbs. Im happy to say Im down another 2 lbs!! I haven't been working out this week that Jared has been home. Its a hard thing for me to do while he is here lol! And despite the eating we have been doing I haven't gained either!! So now that he is back to work, I work out during the day while he is gone. Anyone else weird about working out in front of their so?

Bountiful Baskets-
So I ordered our first Bountiful Basket on Tuesday night!!! Im so excited to pick it up Saturday!
Ive been looking at them for a while but just needed the push, which was 2 things. 1-Jared(and I) is doing the Paleo Diet. Its interesting, but not totally for me because Im no where near as active as he is but I do like how well its getting him to think about food and our increase in veggies. 2-WINCO failed me. Almost every piece of produce we bought from there was moldy the next day or 2 after buying it. Jared is allergic to mold(even penicillin), so that isn't even close to ok. Aside from his health, that was a BIG waste of money and we cant keep doing that. SO that night I saw a post of FB by Bountiful Baskets saying there was an hour left to order. I quickly told Jared what it was and we both agreed to try it.
I only paid $19.50 which included the $3 first time fee(for the basket at the site) for their conventional basket. I dont think any of the extras are available at my nearest sight yet, like organic basket or bread packs.

So be prepaired for my posts to come starting Saturday about BB and what we are making with it!!