Saturday, November 20, 2010

Winco Here I Come!!!

That is if Jared ever gets out of bed(yes it is almost 2pm!)

Anyway, I recently started getting sales fliers for Winco. Ive heard of Winco before, that it was an amazing discount bulk grocery store. People in my home town would drive 2hrs away just to make their big shopping trip because Winco was just that good! Well I must say in my 22yrs of life I have never set foot in one.
As of late our main grocery stops have been the Commissary and Safeway, but Ive really been trying to get our food bill under control. Ive been to grocery outlet before, its quite good but I don't buy a whole lot of frozen meals, or pre made boxed things so I usually don't find much. Sometimes the quality isn't that great either.
I don't really do coupons because of this either.

So today we may make the only 25min trip to Winco and see what its all about. We are in need of quite a bit of the staple items. I think I will set our budget at $150 to get us to December 1st. We still have meals already for the next 4 days so $150 for 7 days seem totally do able!

When and if we go I will make sure to add an update!!


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