Monday, February 18, 2013

Ive tried posting a few times since moving and getting settled. Nothing just ever seemed to come out right.

I'm now about 30wks pregnant and we found out that we are having another sweet baby boy. The last 2wks have just been a big ball of emotions. This pregnancy is so much different in that my emotions are off the wall. Mostly between anger and crying. I do not ever feel like my happy self. Im grumpy constantly, and the realization that I don't know why, makes me even more angry. Its safe to say Im not a nice person right now.
there are 2 other things also. One of which I dont want to discuss right now until things are set, but its big and will effect everyone involved for life.
The other thing is about baby,who is still unnamed!
The ultrasound seemed to show a Renal Pelvic Dilation. Basically one of his kidneys was measuring a bit bigger than the other. My MW said that it could have just been that the urine he is producing just had not been excreated yet that day. She said I would need another ultrasound soon to measure it again. That was it.
So I googled. It is a pretty common thing to find on US for boys. Its monitored by US. If it keeps growing and gets to big I could possibly have to deliver early. If it gets bigger but not exceedingly they will US him after he is born and possibly give him antibiotics for 6-8wks to prevent infection. Normally it goes away on its own. That really was the only info I could find that would give me some sort of outcome or what to expect.
Only a few people in either of our familys know anything about either of the two situations going on. Sometimes I just don't talk to specific people about this kind of stuff because they actually make it worse.

Jared applied for a job as an adult detention officer at the facility here. He has all the qualifications from the military and jobs like this have military preference through a point system. This job would be a big help for us, the pay is good and has health benefits. Its also coming at a perfect time with me having to basically quit work when I have the baby. I haven't worked there long enough to be able to use any of the leave Im actually accruing, so no maternity leave for me.

Life just feels a lot harder than it should right now.